Research Projects

2013-2014: Human Capabilities as a basic Component of Development Dynamics and Differentiation of the Regions: the case of Greece, THALIS, Ministry of Education, Operational Program

2012-2014: ECR2-Economic Crisis: Resilience of Regions, ESPON/ERDF (ESPON website)

2006-2008: SIMCODE-IGT: Spatial Impacts of Multimodal Corridor Development, ARCHIMED/INTERREG

2006-2008: SEMSON: Southeastern Mediterranean Spatial Observatory Network, ARCHIMED/INTERREG

2005-2007: Spatial Integration of Sustainable Development Policies and Electronic Governance. Experience and prospects in the metropolitan area of Thessaloniki, Assignment: PYTHAGORASII, Ministry of Education, Operational Program

2004-2006: Application and Impact of the ESDP upon EU Members, Transnational project in the context of ESPON/INTERREGIIIB

2004: Spatial Impacts of the Egnatia Motorway: the state of influence zones, Assignment:  Egnatia Odos S.A.

2004: ESTIA-SPOSE: European Space – Territorial Indicators and actions for a Spatial Planning Observatory in Southeastern Europe, Transnational project in the context of ESPON/INTERREGIIIB

2004: NPDNET: Innovation and New Product Development through Interregional Networks, Transnational project in the context of INTERREGIIIC

2002: Metropolitan Governance of Thessaloniki Greater Area. Conditions and Scenarios. Financed by the Ministry of Interiors and Public Administration.

2001: Action Plan for Thessaloniki Sustainable Development Strategic Plan. Financed by the Organisation of the Master Plan and Environmental Protection of Thessaloniki.

2000:  SPATIAL PLANNING FORUM IN SOUTHEAST EUROPE. The project refers to the preparation of a framework agenda concerning the thematic priorities of a permanent Forum on spatial planning and spatial development in the countries of SE Europe (DAC-OECD program of the Greek Ministry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Public Works)

2000: GOVERN-PARTICIPATORY: Participatory Governance for Sustainable and Innovative Policies in a Multi-Level Perspective. Partner in the project Financed by the 5th Framework Programme for Researh of the European Commission. Project co-ordinator Technical University Darmstadt, Contract No HPSE-CT-1999-00028.

2000: SUT-GOVERNANCE: Sustainable Urban Tourism. Involving Local Agents and Partnerships for New Forms of Governance. Partner in the project Financed by the 5th Framework Programme for Researh of the European Commission. Project co-ordinator ITAS, Karlsruhe, Contract No EVK4-CT-1999-00001.

2000: Implementation of the System of Indicators for the Spatial Impact Observatory of the Egnatia Motorway. Pilot application of socio-economic, environmental and road operation indicators. (financed by DG TREN and Egnatia S.A.)

Please visit this site for research projects completed (and funded) before 2000

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